Rethinking Work
This post provides an update and a request before we return to regular posts next week.
This post provides an update and a request before we return to regular posts next week.
The perfect words in the perfect order is one definition of poetry.
Here is a highly curated list of resources that can help us increase our AI Quotient.
Accessibility is a key to successful businesses and individuals.
Generosity as an approach to Life.
This is the last of a six part series of why a “company of one mindset” will be critical for career success.
This is the fifth in a six part series of why a “company of one mindset” will be critical for career success.
This is the fourth in a six part series on the importance of having a “Company of One” mindset.
This is the third in a series of why adopting “A Company of One Mindset” can help every individual thrive irrespective of the size of company, location or type of industry one works in.
This is the second post in a six part series on helping every professional adopt “ A Company of One Mindset” to ensure one can thrive in their current companies while ensuring optionality in a transforming world.
Today, exactly five years ago on June 30, 2019, I ended a wonderful 37 year full-time working career at a 100,000 plus person company (though I am fortunate to continue to work with it in a different way) and began a new career as a company of one.
Here are a simple set of three exercises that can be done by anyone, anywhere, and at anytime but will likely leave you seeing, thinking and feeling differently.
The most important expiration dates are not those on food, subscriptions, insurance policies or medicine.
This is the 200th edition of “The Future Does Not Fit in the Containers of the Past.”
There are some who believe I am a writer, a speaker, a podcast host, a teacher or an advisor.
In career and in life a key is to maximize optionality.
Art is technology infused with human creativity.
In today’s changing world amidst chaos and conflict there is a break down in trust, an increase in polarization and a rise in rage.
Every six months for over three decades I receive an updated insurance card from State Farm.
We all wonder “what next?” since we will spend the rest of our lives in the future.