On Words.

The perfect words in the perfect order is one definition of poetry.

Another example of the right words is this two minute video:

In the modern age of AI, machines will not just compose books using words, but they will speak words with nuance and a range of tonalities.

They will translate words into images and sound and video and transform words in one language into a multiplicity of languages.

Will words matter more or less when machines can trawl, refine, compose, enunciate, translate and transform words?

Will we be able to tell the difference between human created sentences using words or machine developed compositions harvesting human words?

The way the technologies are advancing will machine created stories be more impactful than human created ones since they will have learned what can move and steer the reader or listener?

Joan Didion wrote that we tell ourselves stories in order to live. Will machines tell stories to themselves like they ingest data today and will their stories become our stories?

I read a lot and besides marking the finest sentences in books, I copy down the best sentences which I then read, re-read and admire. So far all of these sentences to the best of my knowledge are human created, driven by human insight, observation and feeling.

Reading and re-reading the best that has been written is one way we can all get better at written and verbal communication which may be a way we can differentiate from and augment machines.

Here are one dozen great short sentences which I have copied during my reading this past month. Simple words that created a combination of a chemical and physical reaction in the reader…

Twitter is a conveyer belt of distractions.

Repair is the creative destruction of brokenness. 

The past is a life sentence, a blunt instrument aimed at tomorrow.

Narrative is the strategy of the mind for putting things in relation.

What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments , but what is woven into  the lives of others. 

To remain oneself is to remain variable.

A raindrop spat on his hat.

A P/E ratio approaching the science fictional.

Corporate websites are where ideals get to roam free.

I hold you like a hole holds light.

I fill the cracks in the road to success made by forces beyond myself.

And finally:

Stories are data with a soul.

Rishad Tobaccowala is an author, speaker, educator and advisor.

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